Rhode Island
This image speaks for itself. And, as I point out so often, it is important to always keep your eyes open for new concepts, and have your camera close by and ready for the unexpected.
I was heading home to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia from an art show in Connecticut when I decided to take an exit off the Interstate and grab a quick bite to eat. Evidently, the sea gulls had the same plan.
Because of the numerous background distractions, I decided to treat this image a little differently from the rest of my collection. I projected the image onto a sheet of 4 x 5 " Kodalith (high contrast) film and painted out everything but the main attraction. There used to be a special goop made for doing just this sort of thing, and I ended up with a negative image. This simple sconcept was ideally suited for this sort of treatment.
It makes for something a little different.
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